Inflation and saving are two concepts that are closely related in the economic sphere. Inflation is an increase in prices over a period of time, while saving is an accumulation of money or other resources to be used in the future. When inflation increases, it typically means that it takes more money to buy the same quantity of items. This can have a negative effect on savings, as the amount of money saved does not go as far when prices are higher. This can lead to a decrease in purchasing power, as the money saved does not retain the same value it did before. At the same time, saving can be a way to mitigate the effects of inflation. By investing in assets like stocks, bonds, and real estate, people can preserve their purchasing power over time and shield their savings from the effects of inflation. Over the long term, investing in these types of assets can help to offset the effects of inflation and can help to increase the value of savings. Real estate is one of the most impo...
por Mario Roger Hernández